The representative of the People's Congress! You can plant ginseng now!_1

Under everyone's gaze, sun Xian walked in from outside.

Beside him was an extremely young man.

Even Deputy County chief Chen Li only followed one step behind.

The bosses of you city's companies saw this scene. Even though they knew that this young man was the boss of Linlin company, they still felt very emotional.

Especially those who were older, when compared to this young man, they would only feel that they had lived their lives for nothing.

As for the bosses of foreign companies, even though they had long guessed that the boss of Linlin company was very young, they were still very shocked to see him in person.

"Everyone's here, let's all take a seat!" sun xian looked at the people around him and greeted them with a smile.

Qin Lin also found his own seat. Or maybe he didn't need to, because it was too obvious. It was the first seat in the first row.

The second seat in the first row was occupied by the owner of the shun Yuan textile company.