Endless potential! It's actually him ~!_3

Therefore, he had specially posted a request on this website, paid a huge price, and signed a contract. These blueprints could only belong to him.

If he sold it to someone else, the author and the website would have to bear legal responsibility.

He had also carefully selected these blueprints, and every one of them was very exquisite and Grand.

After downloading all the blueprints, Qin Lin printed them out and locked the office door. Then, he brought them into the game.

After that, he logged out of the game and controlled his game character to put the bright sun Green, Hibiscus Green, Imperial Green, and blood beauty Jade ores into his bag. Then, he went to seibala's jewelry smithing shop.

He placed the blueprints one by one into the blueprint frame that seibala had requested. He then put in the jadeite ores and forged the high-end jadeite into jewelry.