It's like two generations! The whole world is going to be shocked

Of course, this was only the official rough statistics.

The total number of people who were truly bald, half-bald, or beginning to bald should be far more than this number.

moreover, people would start to lose hair at the age of 30, and almost no one could avoid it. even those handsome and beautiful stars could not escape the fact that their hairline was getting higher and higher.

Therefore, when such people saw the contents of Linlin villa's livestream room, they would also stay and investigate.

Mouyin wasn't the only one who was shocked by the number of people online in Linlin villa's live broadcast room.

Even the online audience found it unbelievable.

Therefore, in the end, the traffic of this live stream would be so high that even if countless users opened " mouyin ", almost no more than three videos would be able to see Linlin villa's live stream.

This was the terrifying heat caused by hair loss, hair loss, and various hair problems.