the three academicians activate the moonstone

Quality 2 seafood. It is very big and very attractive.

Moreover, because he had fish and shell-type cooking skills, plus the grade 2 herbs, these could also be made into the most delicious Grade 3 Imperial medicinal cuisine.

He deliberately showed these things to academician li and the other two.

boss Qin, " academician Li said, " the crabs, fish, and shrimp are so big. They shouldn't be ordinary, right? "

Qin Lin smiled and explained, " academician Li, you're right. They're all rare wild seafood, and they're not young either. I saw that the three great academicians were working so hard, so I made some. I'll make the emperor's herbal dish for them tonight to reward them.

"Boss Qin, you're only thinking about the three seniors!" Academician Hao said jokingly.

how could I forget about you three, academician Hao? " Qin Lin said. I'm going to deal with the seafood now. I'll have to trouble you to invite the three seniors out tonight.