It's over, completely over

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to bear the consequences of the 100 million dollars.

Linlin Manor.

Not long after, Ma Hong also found Qin ran and said, " boss Qin, the other party has already transferred the remaining 50 million US dollars over. It seems that the other party is really determined to get these three paintings. How do you plan to deal with this money, boss Qin? "

Captain MA, this is stolen money. How you deal with it is your problem. qin lin was not interested in the 50 million dollars at all. he didn't want to touch this kind of money. he just wanted to disgust the other party.

He wanted to see how the other party would feel when the news of Mike's arrest came out.

A total of 100 million US dollars was not a small amount of money anywhere. It would make people vomit blood if they were to throw it away.