Linlin Manor has broken the law!

When eternal bought a few bags of okra and left, the situation at Linlin Manor's sales center was also posted online.

Linlin Manor was selling vegetables as medicinal herbs.

When the effects of those vegetables were posted online, it really caused a sensation.

In modern society, everyone had been suffering in the hospital for a long time. So, if the vegetables really had such effects, why would they go to the hospital when they had these diseases?

Moreover, this gimmick was really big, so it also caused the phenomenon of these new vegetables being snapped up in the sales center. In a short time, they were all sold out.

The people who bought the vegetables didn't have any diseases. They were just joining in the fun because the food was getting hot.

It was obvious from the videos of sun-drying vegetables that appeared in succession on a certain tone.

snapped up Linlin villa's new vegetable dish!

"This is Linlin villa's eggplant, Oh Yingluo!"