Chapter 399-targeting Linlin's hangover grass!

with this hangover grass, only those who don't like to drink will suffer. I could still pretend to be drunk in the past, but now I don't even have the right to pretend to be drunk.

A video of a netizen's miserable state made it to the hot search.

The Hangover grass was very popular now, and once this video was released, it gained traffic from a sharp point of view.

Previously, the netizens had all described how strong and powerful the effects of The Hangover grass were. The facts had also proven that The Hangover grass was very powerful and very awesome.

The stock prices of the alcohol companies online had all risen because of The Hangover grass. If Linlin villa stopped selling The Hangover grass, these alcohol products would probably drop by a large amount.

However, it was precisely because The Hangover grass was so powerful that people who didn't like to drink would immediately have a few bags of it in front of them if they wanted to pretend to be drunk.