Chapter 400! trap!

The speed of the hot search was so fast that the traffic police who had just returned to the police station and started interrogating were a little confused. The leader went to the door to ask and found out that the person he had arrested had already made it to the hot search news.

But it shouldn't have happened in such a short time.

Linlin Manor.

Qin Lin also received the news on the internet immediately.

When the hot news appeared on the internet, Lin Lanzi knew that it might be a deliberate move against the Linlin hangover grass.

Although the Linlin hangover grass belonged to Linlin food company and wasn't under her control, she had to report it to her boss.

When Lin Lanzi saw Qin Lin, Deng Guang had also arrived.

As the person in charge of Linlin food company, he naturally had to know about the news about the Linlin hangover grass that had suddenly appeared on the internet.