The jaw-dropping Linlin wine cellar

"Those foreign wines can be found all over the world. Even the top-class Chinese wines like Maotai and Fenjiu, which are very famous in the country, can't go out of the country.

"In recent years, foreign wine has been becoming more and more popular in China, and it has been invading the white wine market."

"En!" Qin Lin knew about this.

After all, he had his own Linlin wine factory and he had done some research on it.

According to the latest liquor sales report, white liquor occupied only 42% of the market, foreign liquor occupied 28%, and wine occupied 14%.

In the past few years, the market share of white wine was far more than this. Now, foreign wine was even more covetous of white wine, and all kinds of publicity were emerging one after another.

Even in the mainstream places for alcohol consumption such as KTVs, bars, and nightclubs, foreign wine was becoming more and more common, and white wine was no longer seen.