absolutely impossible! even li kai himself is dumbfounded _3

However, there was nothing he could do. These people not only had seed companies, but they also had other capital behind them. In the xingjue Kingdom, capital was everything. If something really went wrong, even if he was in his current position, he would still be in great trouble.

barus could only say, " guys, don't be anxious. this is most likely a smokescreen by the other party. they're trying to use psychological warfare against us. "

You should know better than me how difficult it is to increase the production of seeds. After all, how much money have you spent to continue increasing the production of seeds? "

"And they haven't made any progress in the research on increasing the production of seeds. Why did they suddenly have the technology this time? And it just had to be at this time."

His words also made the others 'attitudes become much gentler.