Xiangshui gongmi is dumbfounded!_3

A new bottle of wine could be auctioned for 700000?

Their company's 30-year-old wine couldn't even be sold for one-third of that price.

More importantly, how much could their company's new wine sell for? At the same time, the cheaper one was only 200 yuan.

what was the difference between 200 yuan and 700000 yuan?

it's definitely Linlin winery's publicity stunt. This kind of publicity is really disgusting. Hao Liang directly called his Secretary over and instructed, " find some people and expose the fact that Linlin winery is hyping up the auction and treating everyone as fools. Don't let anyone know that we did it.

The Secretary nodded and left immediately.

Hao Liang snorted coldly.

He had a grudge against the Linlin wine factory, and jealousy twisted one's mind. So, even if it didn't benefit him, as long as it was bad for the wine factory, he would be happy.

Soon, the hot search on the internet changed to the hot search news of Linlin's auction: