Exciting news! These elephants are a little special!_2

These were the young of the previous batch of happy elephants. They had been in the game for a long time, and the reason why they were not sold was naturally because they were more special and of better quality.

Qin Lin stepped forward and touched one of the happy elephant Cubs. He saw the remark:

"Happy Elephant: Grade 2"

[ this is the offspring of a special elephant found in the goddess mountain by ore town: Gentle personality +2, intimate human +2, humorous +2, intelligent +2, communication +2, triggered happiness +2! ]

Two of the happy elephant's Cubs had mutated and were of Grade 2, which was why he had kept this one.

It could be said that he was very lucky this time.

In the past, when he grew watermelons, a plot of land might not even produce a quality 2 watermelon.

With a thought, Qin Lin brought the happy elephant out of the game. Then, with another thought, he entered the game again. He repeatedly brought the seven Happy Elephant Cubs to reality.