the mutation of the tea tree _1

Chen Xue opened the video.

in the video was a man. the man muttered to himself as soon as he came out, " my name is Chen dachui. I'm very troubled right now because my girlfriend's birthday is coming up. I don't know what gift to give her, Yingluo.

This video stunned Chen Xue. The style of the video was completely different from the video in the villa. It was simply an advertisement video.

According to the routine, someone should have come out to remind the man what gift to give. Moreover, the gift was the product that the advertisement wanted to promote.

Chen Xue wasn't the only one who thought so. The other fans who saw the video also thought so.

everyone was too familiar with this kind of advertising strategy, okay ...

However, no one had expected that the official account of Linlin Manor would also start to play such a cliché advertising routine.

The next moment, something happened that surprised everyone. A parrot flapped its wings and flew over.