parrots can also be overlords! the dwarves are here again!_2

Qin Lin could only close the office door with a heart full of blessings.

In the next few days.

More and more designers submitted their designs to Linlin villa's official account.

As more and more people participated in the voting, the number of fans on the official account of Linlin villa also officially exceeded 100 million, becoming the third account after the human and central bank to exceed 100 million fans.

Naturally, the official account of Linlin villa became the first non-official account to break the 100 million mark.

Linlin Manor's main hall.

Qin Lin was sitting down with Zhao mochen when Lin Lanzi came over."Chairman Qin, mo Xiao!"

Zhao Moshu immediately greeted Lin Lanzi, " "sister lan zi, have a seat. yushui just harvested a batch of strawberries. yaoyao is washing them. let's try them together later!"