Chapter 481-a covert monopoly!

You city's jiuhuai mountain was located in the southwest of the county. It was a very remote mountain range.

The temperature here was relatively low, and there were lush coniferous and broad-leaved forests. Because of the terrain, there were more Yin slopes and Yin-facing slopes.

Moreover, although this place was remote and desolate, the geology was loose and fertile, with good drainage and ventilation.

This kind of land was very good soil for planting ginseng.

Moreover, there was a benefit to growing ginseng in the mountains. There was no need to cut down trees or destroy the vegetation. They could be directly planted.

Therefore, after Chu Yue took charge of Linlin pharmaceutical company and obtained the bright white ginseng seeds from Qin Lin, he contracted the nine Huai mountain to cultivate the bright white ginseng seeds.