Schemes and intrigues are useless in the face of strength! Why is it him again? _2

It was only later that he found out that the trouble was caused by the people from the Nobel Prize.

This was terrible.

He immediately found the person in charge of the Nobel Prize.

After being scolded, the Nobel Prize winner finally realized the severity of the matter. Naturally, he immediately went to find trouble with Eliza.

Even if he wanted to ban that country, he couldn't just threaten them directly. He could just do it silently.

After all, they had always been doing this.

the more he thought about it, the angrier nobei became, and he said even more angrily, " hurry up and get back here, Eliza. We need to have a new meeting to discuss your position as a committee member.

just as ellida was about to complain and ask the headquarters to help her vent her anger, who knew that she would be scolded like this?

Before he could explain further, the person in charge hung up the phone.

He was dumbfounded.