Reason for resignation, Qin Lin is back

Linlin Manor.

Qin Lin watered the seeds in the flower pots as usual.

The night Queen seed from the game had already grown. As for the other seeds, some of them had sprouted due to the special soil, while some had not sprouted and had rotted in the soil.

It was winter now, and the weather was getting colder and colder. Some seeds could not germinate even if they had special soil.

However, in this situation, it was easy for people to pay attention to the night Queen Seeds produced by these games.

Academician li was at the side, staring at the night empresses who came out of the game. "Boss Qin,... The lower temperature in winter has a great impact on the enzymes in the plants. The reduction of the enzymes 'activity will result in the growth rate to be very slow. However, these plants are growing very fast. Could it be that there is a difference?"