A perfect imagination! Meeting the gourmet again _1

Qin Lin drove his BMW 5 Series out of the manor and headed to you city.

He had to go to you city's Tourism Association today.

when they entered you city, they could clearly feel that it was more lively than before.

There were also more tourists than before.

These tourists were attracted by the climate change in you city. The streets were crowded. Even the commercial streets of an international city didn't have such a crowd, right?

Moreover, winter had not passed yet, and everyone on the streets was already wearing short-sleeved shirts.

It seemed that the people and tourists in you city had adapted to the change in climate.

The you City Tourism Association had a meeting today because of the climate change. You city's tourism had a new outbreak.

Naturally, there was another reason. There was a scenic spot that used inappropriate vocabulary in its publicity and was reported. It was criticized and the higher-ups requested for changes.