It's possible to recover severed limbs _2

" the next stage of medical research is this. if the effect of this component is enough, even soldiers who are disabled in battle can repair their injured tissue. "

at this stage, only America has made breakthroughs in this area of research, but it's still very expensive. The cost is 3.5 million dollars.

" but our country's traditional chinese medicine doctors were able to produce such ingredients more than 600 years ago. now, the cost is only a few hundred yuan. what kind of treasure have we lost? "

"Is this Jade consort cream really that incredible?" Qin Lin pretended to be surprised again.

However, he knew very well that this was probably due to Dr. Dott's contribution.

However, it was impossible for him to talk about this.

boss Qin, it's true. Minister Lu nodded. I'm really grateful to you for this.