Isn't this a joke? _2

The next step was to let everyone see the effect of HKR.

He had already asked his men to find a few beautiful Chinese people who had burned their faces and had their facial tissue damaged.

Under normal circumstances, it was difficult for these people to make any expressions on their faces. It was also difficult for the parts with tissue damage to recover their functions, causing inconvenience in their movements. Some of the tissue functions could no longer be used, and they needed to be amputated. Otherwise, their flesh would rot, and the problem would be even more serious.

However, after using their HKR medicine, he could at least recover a lot. He could make some facial expressions and recover some tissue function. It would not require amputation.

This was a huge leap.

If they continued their research on the HKR drug, perhaps in another 20 years, they would be able to restore the tissue function of people with broken limbs, just like in the movies.