I have to completely break my arms and legs! We're in the atmosphere now!

[ special Jade consort cream: quality 3 ]

[ this is a privately concocted yufei cream. legend has it that it's a cream specially used by noble consort yang. after being repaired and improved by doctor dott, it has a stronger effect: Scar recovery effect +3, wound recovery effect +3, old scar removal effect +3, tissue recovery effect +3! ]

qin lin smiled when he saw the remarks on the jade consort cream. it was a success.

The next thing to do was to test the effects of this Grade 3 Jade consort cream.

The effects of a quality 2 pill had already been tested at the Chinese hospital. Even a burn like Liu Zhendong's could cure it. So, this time, they had to find someone with broken arms and legs. Moreover, it had to be the kind that was cut in two.

However, he still had to wait for Yuan Shan's test results.

Taking advantage of the free time, Qin Lin once again concocted the Jade consort cream.