Chapter 560-this is ruthless, donate your assets!

as long as a rich man donated his assets to save his life, it would be useless for the international tea merchants to fight back and slander him. everyone knew that they had tea leaves that could cure late-stage cancer.

Otherwise, are those rich people fools?

The tea merchants 'expressions would be very ugly when the time came.

More importantly, with such a large amount of money flowing into the country, wouldn't some people in America be heartbroken?

if this wasn't killing, what was?

As he thought about it, he rushed out of the office.

The foundation that boss Qin was talking about was not a small matter. He had to deal with it immediately and report it to his superiors for discussion.

time passed quickly, and a few days passed in the blink of an eye.

The rich people who had applied for treatment had been waiting anxiously these days.

In an extremely luxurious Manor in America, Carlton was already extremely anxious as he sat in his wheelchair.