The Kappa's Secret stone of recovery! The underground river!

Qin Lin didn't know how long they had been walking when he heard the faint sound of water flowing.

This made him happy. This should be the underground river.

sure enough, they reached a stable area. through the fluorescent light shone by the night empress, they could see a winding river bed.

The river bed also had many tiny tributaries that flowed in all directions.

however, the river bed had already dried up, leaving only a little bit of flowing water at the bottom.

qin lin made a mark and tried to walk forward.

He didn't know how long he had walked, but he still couldn't see the end of the dried-up riverbed.

This underground river must have been very wide in the past, and no one knew where it would flow to. However, it was most likely connected to Min River or the branch of Min River in Youcheng.

Qin Lin didn't continue to explore. He took out the Kappa recovery stone and chose to use it.