This cucumber can solve a predicament _2

The other experts fell silent.

The ecosystem of the underground river and the tributary of the min River had not been integrated and replenished. Instead, the ecosystem had collapsed. This was a very small probability.

However, even the smallest of chances had happened.

They had to find a way to solve it.

It was just that after several of the plans they proposed were deduced, they found that they had no effect at all.

The only effective way was to pour enough fish food into Min River to reduce the situation of the big fish eating the small fish.

However, this could only delay the effects. After all, it would take a long time for the min river's tributary and the underground river's ecosystem to recover completely.

Moreover, in order to satisfy the needs of fish such as the Atlantic sturgeon and the Alabaster pufferfish, the quality of the fish food must not be low.