This grass is too magical! It can really control the temperature

" let's go to the server room first, " marvin said. " i've already had people move the things up. we'll be there soon. "

Lin Yang nodded and followed Marvin to the computer room.

The company's server room was very large.

However, as soon as he entered, he could immediately feel a sense of heat. It was the heat generated by the high-power operation of the server.

In fact, the engine room already had heat dissipation equipment, which was the engine room air conditioner, also known as the engine room precision air conditioner, a special air conditioner in the engine room.

This type of air conditioner was enough for the general server room, but it was not enough for the server required by the subsidiary.

if they had to prepare enough equipment for use, the price would be very expensive, and the daily expenditure would be huge.