Release my daughter! Fairy tale mountain opens!_1

The item that Li Qing took out really shocked everyone.

He took out a photo, a very beautiful photo.

There was a baby girl in the photo. Who else could it be but his daughter?

Qin Lin's face twitched when he saw Li Qing showing his son his daughter's photo.

They had seen people bring things for their friend's son, but had they ever seen people give their daughter's photo to their friend's son as a gift?

Li Qing was probably the first one.

"Qin Lin, the gift I prepared for little Qin Feng is not bad, right?" if little Qin Feng has my daughter's photo, then my daughter will be his, " Li Qing said proudly. we've decided on the betrothal.

"tsk." qin lin didn't know how to answer.

when did li qing become such a sixth brother?

"Li Qing, I didn't expect you to really do such a thing." Chen shengfei was stunned. He stepped forward and took out a photo, placing it on the cushion.

It was also his daughter's photo, and it was very beautiful.