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Mauritius saw shen li leave, it also left in a hurry.

They had to think of a way to get Linlin's laboratory to help them control the sea.

Fortunately, they had a good relationship with the eastern country. If they asked the other side, they should agree to let Linlin laboratory help them manage the sea.

after shen li announced his withdrawal from the bidding, he immediately left Mauritius.

Now that he had achieved his goal, he had to be Swift and decisive, leaving only his back to others.

Even if those people were blown up by this news, they would never turn back.

Moreover, they had already made a plan before they came. There were already domestic ships waiting for the people from Linlin laboratory.

The first thing Shen Li did after boarding the ship was to call Qin Lin to report.

In an experimental area of Linlin's laboratory.