Chapter 622-giant crops! Shocking fireflies!

Carrying the two boxes, Qin Lin logged out of the game.

He carried the two boxes to the rooftop and went back in. His mind returned to the game and he brought out two more boxes.

Qin Lin repeated this process and took out all the storage boxes from the game one by one.

Then, he opened the boxes one by one to release the fireflies.

However, only a few fireflies flew out of the box, and most of them were still in the box.

Fireflies didn't like places that were too bright, especially during the day. They would hide and only choose to move out at night.

Therefore, they would rather stay in those boxes than come out in broad daylight.

This was not a problem for Qin Lin. He entered the game again and came out with a broken horn in his hand.

[ mysterious broken horn: mysterious ]