Chapter 633-it's snowing! Another scapegoat

It was actually very easy to see snow. As long as one was willing to spend some money and go to a city in the North, it would be fine as long as it happened to be snowing.

this was under the condition that he had the freedom to spend his time and money.

Otherwise, it wouldn't snow every day, even in the northern cities.

Therefore, it was difficult to arrange the wish of nearly 80000 employees to see snow.

After all, there were so many people, and the company needed people to work. Even if they went in batches, the snow in the North couldn't last so long. They might not be able to arrange everything all year round.

It was just an event. If it dragged on for so long, it would be meaningless.

However, it would be a little embarrassing if he was not satisfied with the event that he had asked Lin Lanzi to organize.