chapter 641-they are pi xiu _2

" this special fabric is five times more durable than normal fabric, " the academician beside him explained. " we can use this to make a combat suit with five times the toughness and defense. "

after that, we used fiber compression technology and discovered that the data could be increased. Then, we created this combat suit.

Minister Lu nodded. Just this point alone, if it was given to a soldier who had used the medicinal liquid, how terrifying would their combat power be?

In the country, without firearms, one such soldier could solve any crisis.

At this moment, a man with a spear appeared. He raised his hand and fired a few shots at the soldier's chest. The huge impact caused the soldier to roll on the ground.

Under such an impact, even if the bullet didn't hit a vital point, the internal organs of an ordinary person would be damaged by the impact, and they might die immediately.