Fairy tales are not lies!_1

The reason why people were called the spirit of all living things was because they were persistent in certain things, persistent in being number one.

they would even be obsessed with the first opportunity to taste a crop that had never been seen before.

lin lanzi had grasped this mentality and organized an event for lucky tourists to taste giant crops.

However, with the appearance of a post on the internet, this kind of persistence became even more intense.

Even though they knew that only a small number of the lucky tourists would be able to get the food, there were only a few people who won 5 million. Who would not buy it?

The post read, " the appearance of this giant plant will obviously be recorded in the book. The first batch of people who tried it might also be famous in the book.

Therefore, even more people were attracted to it.

The next day, you city's traffic was as good as it had been.