Chapter 659! everyone's hope! All kinds of capable people come to you city

Upon hearing the order, Carlton's men immediately took out their mobile phones and made a call.

As subordinates of a rich man like Carlton, it was inevitable that they would come into contact with all kinds of people from the dark side when they had to do all kinds of things for him.

Moreover, when working for a rich man like Carlton, many people from the dark side had to do things for his sake.

For example, the gang on the streets of America. He helped Carlton do some things, and with just a word, he could make those people submit to him. Otherwise, Carlton could easily take out a sum of money and make them disappear completely.

Of course, they also needed to know the contact information of some high-end people, such as Mike, who was the world's number one thief.

This guy was very famous internationally. There was nothing that he couldn't steal.

Therefore, this guy's offer was also very high.