You city prison is going to be lively

With the strength of the security guards, there was no way to stop them.

now that the plan had been agreed upon, all that was left was to act.

Time flew by, and two days passed.

The past two days had been peaceful, and Dominica only took action with his men when the sky turned dark again.

A car drove straight into the parking lot of the Linlin Scenic Area.

Two black men and women got out of the car.

This attracted the attention of the security guards of the scenic Area. However, foreigners often came to the scenic Area, including black people, so the security guards did not find it strange.

The Butler and the woman talked and laughed, just like normal tourists.

However, after the two black men were out of the security guard's sight, they began to talk in a low voice.

this parking lot is not bad. Just by doing something to these cars, it will attract attention.

"Yes, Dominica and the others will complete the mission in ten minutes."