Is this effect real? _1

sea cucumbers were originally something that could be eaten easily.

however, because of a certain foot, the sea cucumber seemed to have been given a different attribute.

it all started with an interview with a certain football team member who said that he had to eat sea cucumber for every meal.

From then on, sea cucumbers had a different legend.

Early in the morning, Yu Shui brought li yueqiong, the manager of the sea cucumber farm, to Qin Lin's office. He was carrying a bag of sea cucumbers from Linlin's Scenic Area.

qin lin knew what was in the bag when he saw the two of them.

After all, Yu Shui had mentioned that the sea cucumber cultivation was about to be successful.

The first thing Yu Shui did when she came in was to hand the sea cucumber to Qin Feng. "President Qin, take a look at these sea cucumbers. They're completely mature. They're almost ready to be sold."