boss qin's goal and the reward in hand (2)

Even the official account of the scenic Area for the performance program approved activities such as free tour of the scenic Area.

Obviously, Qin Lin's sudden request had given the multimedia department staff an idea.

Not long after.

Linlin's official account released the latest video.

Once the video was released, many fans noticed it.

In a commercial house.

Da Wei was taking care of his ornamental fish. They weren't expensive, but they were still rare in China. His uncle from abroad brought them back.

No matter how ordinary a fish was overseas, it was rare in China. Therefore, when he boasted to his friends that a fish cost more than a hundred thousand Yuan, some of them still believed him.

after all, those friends did not have the ability to investigate overseas.

Search on the internet? When he told his friends, even the name of the fish was made up, so they couldn't find out.