it's fine if it's trained by academician qin little

After all, the two oil field countries in the desert region had come to express their goodwill.

it involved huge benefits.

If they couldn't prove that this plant could survive in the desert, their goodwill would only be a talk, and they might not have any follow-up.

Naturally, Qin Lin would cooperate in this aspect.

He had quite a lot of those plants anyway, so he just needed to give two of each to Minister Lu and ask him to transplant them into the desert.

Anyway, it was just to verify if these plants could really survive in the desert.

The day after the exchange meeting, the Chinese People's Hospital announced a piece of news that attracted the attention of all the reporters at home and abroad.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences will officially transplant desert plants in the takramakan desert, including wasabi, dog tooth grass, rice, watermelon, Apple, and leek seedlings! During this period, the official news will be broadcast live!"