Let the security guards play in the world Cup

The next day.

When Qin Lin got up, he wanted to scroll through his phone, but he saw a piece of news that surprised him.

academician Qin, you earned 1 billion from high school. The Big Lottery works with you for charity!

“???”Qin Lin was a little confused.

His original intention was to make da le bleed and use the money for charity.

One billion should be a huge lesson. Who knew that the Big Lottery would start to use this as publicity?

He had already given them 1 billion, why would he still be short of 5 million? He wanted to use this method to show his fairness, was this what he meant?

Qin Lin was a little helpless.

There's an expert in the Big Lottery.

Therefore, people's vision and vision were different. Some people could see different opportunities in bad things.

This loss of 1 billion was a huge blow to the Big Lottery, right?

But now, it had helped promote the lottery?

Qin Lin suddenly felt remorseful.