Tens of billions left! Mutant bird!_2

"I haven't tested this yet." Qin Lin said honestly.

then hurry up and do the experiment. If it's successful, then this thing will be awesome. Your reputation can be comparable to Edison. Minister Lu urged impatiently.

Why would Edison be remembered by people all over the world? It was because he had developed light bulbs that everyone was using. Whoever saw light bulbs would think of him.

If this street lamp tree could be promoted, everyone would be able to see it. When foreigners saw it, they would definitely bring it in. Boss Qin would not be far from becoming a world-famous scientist.

Otherwise, even if boss Qin had come up with so many things, his reputation abroad was still very small, because the Western countries had blocked all the research and information about boss Qin.

There were many things that they couldn't study or crack, so they simply used this method.