The legendary animal _2

When Minister Lu heard this, he could only sigh with emotion. Their country was still the best.

These upper-class figures of the Western countries were really not good for nothing.

After showing Princess Lydia around the streetlight tree, the little princess naturally wanted to enjoy the scenery of the capital, which was also arranged by Minister Lu.

First, he took little princess Lydia to the most famous street in the capital.

On the street, Lydia had walked for a while. She opened her arms and greedily breathed in the air because the air here was too incredible and the quality was too good.

She couldn't help but say to Minister Lu and his entourage, ""Lu, why is the air so good here? He said that the air quality in your country's capital is very bad, and you don't even dare to go out without a mask. Moreover, you might get serious illnesses if you go out in some weather."