Chapter 751-this works too? _2

Is it a sign that our country's football is going to take on a new look, and that the originally rotten associations and teams are going to be finished? Moreover, to be able to give our country's football hope again, this is no less than a change of dynasty, right?"

It was common knowledge that experts were all good at bullsh * tting and that their words didn't make sense. But this time, everyone felt that the expert's words made sense.

Is this comparable?

What kind of auspicious sign could make a Phoenix appear? our country's team entered the World Cup and was even a security team. Wasn't this a miracle?

To give their country's football hope was as difficult as changing dynasties.

This explanation quickly spread on the internet and was acknowledged by everyone.

Naturally, a certain Association issued a protest against such irresponsible remarks and slander.