Chapter 774-everyone's shocked! Another technology that transcends the era!

Minister Lu saw Qin Lin pushing the hoverbike, and his face was full of disbelief. Boss Qin, this bike, how is it possible?"

With that, he squatted down in disbelief and even reached his hand under the hoverbike to make sure he didn't touch any wheels or anything.

The car was really floating.

After he confirmed it, he looked at Qin Yang in shock."A hover car. You ... You've also made this thing?"

Then, Minister Lu seemed to have reacted. that's right, magnetic levitation is related to the Earth's magnetic field. The planet's gravity technology can also be linked to the magnetic field. If you can create a planet's gravity system, you can naturally create a hovercar.

"Boss Qin, you're the genius of this era."

"Boss Qin, can this hovercar carry people?"

Minister Lu's face was full of curiosity and curiosity. He didn't even want to think about other problems.