Chapter 778-target locked on, it's that security guard

This was also related to the research category of animal genes. The Chinese Academy of Medicine's focus was not on animal genetic research at all during this period, so the experts in this area were relatively weak.

team leaders, you've come at the right time. I'll be entertaining you at the manor today. Qin Lin also smiled and said to sun Tao and the other team leaders.

In the future, these people would be good tools for him to cover up, so his attitude would naturally be very good.

Therefore, at noon, in the manor's Hall, Qin Lin asked Master Lin to make a sumptuous medicinal meal.

Although Master Lin's medicinal cuisine wasn't as good as Qin Lin's, it was still very delicious to sun Tao and the others. After eating, they couldn't help but exclaim, "

"It's said that the food in Linlin Scenic Area is delicious. It's true."

the taste of this medicinal cuisine is really unbelievable. The ones I've eaten before can't even compare.