Don't be surprised at the speed of Qin-style research

However, if the sacrificial ritual was like this, then after the numerical system of the data, every piece of data would be in the hundreds of millions. How terrifying would the number be when a group of numbers was combined?

For example, if a number was a hundred million, what about a set of nine numbers?

That was quite terrifying, so no one could give an accurate and complete set of parameters.

Moreover, whether the current parameters were correct in the end and whether they could capture particles with certainty were also uncertain.

Basically, the research of every country was stuck in this area, and it was difficult to make any breakthroughs.

With that number, even with computer assistance, it would be useless if they couldn't capture the particle trajectory.

Therefore, whoever could find a set of perfect parameters could leave their name in history.

"Okay, I'll give you a few sets of parameters to try later." Qin Lin nodded and said lightly.