Chapter 797-isn't this looking for abuse? can anyone step on him?

those gene companies all owe me favors. I'll get them to help me publicize this!

Since the other party had said that they had developed dinosaurs, which was his profession, and the other party had come to his door, he naturally had to seize the opportunity to make a name for himself.

Soon, the researcher prepared the recording equipment for Bob.

Bob also said to the video, " Hello, everyone. I'm Bob, an animal geneticist from America. Today, I saw a piece of news that makes me not know whether to laugh or cry. It's about dinosaurs.

as everyone knows, our country has produced a Jurassic Park film. However, everyone also knows that it's a science fiction film that is very lax in its scientific approach.

it's quite funny that someone is using this movie as a publicity stunt. I heard that the people from the eastern countries are actually using it for publicity.