The shock of famous foreign friends (3)

Because he had been there himself, he knew how incredible the Linlin Scenic Area was.

Avril looked out the window at you city, which was passing by. She couldn't believe it. This was a city surrounded by mountains, and it was hard to imagine that such a prosperous city could be developed in the center of the mountains.

One must know that in their country, a place surrounded by mountains had almost nothing to do with the word 'prosperous'.

Finally, the car that was specially arranged to receive them stopped at the Linlin Scenic area's parking lot.

When Avril and the other international celebrities alighted from the bus and saw the long line of tourists, their eyes were filled with shock and even fear.

It was hard for them to imagine how a scenic spot like this could have so many people. It was so densely packed with people that it felt like they couldn't move at all.