Super soldier unit! Making Batmobile!_1

After Avril and the others got familiar with the hover car, they became more and more excited and energetic.

It was the same for the celebrities in the country. As the first batch of people to experience a hover car, they felt that it was an honor. Perhaps this moment would be recorded in history. A few decades later, there might be people who would find the video and watch it.

At the same time, as the news video spread around the world, the news that the hover car had really been developed was quickly known to the world.

This news was too shocking, and it also made more and more people in the West doubt their own country's technology.

After all, they liked to boast about their own technology.

However, the eastern country's technology seemed to have exploded in recent years, and they had already surpassed them in various fields.

First was the Transformers, then da Bai, and finally the hover car.