Give Me Whatever You Want!

You City had also entered the final stages of upgrading, so naturally, it had to be made more unique.

When You City's hover car was fully popularized, which city in the world could compare to You City?

Compared to the news about You City's hover car, there was another piece of international news that received more attention. It was the mountain fire in Aulia that was trending.

This was because the mountain fire in Aurelia had been burning for more than a month, and it did not show any signs of extinguishing.

Therefore, Aurelia had no choice but to ask the whole world for help. That was why this news was trending in the country.

In the news, one could see the scorched earth that had been burned for more than a month, as well as the homeless animals, especially the koalas. Their helpless eyes and the despair of being burned were really touching.

Everything had spirituality.