Assembling the Falcon Flying Device!

Aboard a helicopter, Aurelia's men were already attracted by the beautiful dry ice rain technology.

In their eyes, Beautiful's skills were already very impressive. At least, she was much better than them.

Therefore, they were very surprised.

Presumably, no country in the world had better fire-extinguishing technology than Beautiful.

What was the meaning of this Eastern Giant?

They had skills that were even better than Beautiful.

The power of a god?

Was this for real?

Academician Tao didn't care what the other party was thinking and immediately ordered,"Throw the electromagnetic pulse bomb."

As soon as he gave the order, the transport helicopters responded.

Then, the doors of the transport helicopters opened.

Electromagnetic bombs were thrown out one after another, falling into the raging fire below.

This scene was naturally captured by the interview helicopters.

The falling electromagnetic bombs were also captured.