Chapter 186 Fox Fairy! It's the Fox Fairy again (One more)

Li Shantao was like a ferocious lion that had burst out of its cage, the air around him sharp and fierce, his ambitions boundless.

However, that thin and pale hand was like a sharp blade that completely shattered his hope of making a name for himself as a Demon-slaying Guard. Scarlet blood dripped down and pervaded the surroundings with scattered blood energy, assaulting everyone's vision.

"You're really weak, sending a Commander to deal with me?" Ma Jiuying stood behind Li Shantao like a ghost.

His aura was vicious and sinister, merging with the atmosphere of this Charity Manor.

Li Shantao's body swayed feebly while he struggled to turn his head and get a clear look at the true face of his aggressor.


Ma Jiuying slowly withdrew his palm, and Li Shantao's body staggered before collapsing in a puddle of blood.


Wang Xuanzhi let out a roar and instinctively reacted.