Chapter 250: River Wave Hides Demon, You Guys Are Lucky to Be Alive (4000)_2

He knew that his opportunity had arrived. This must surely be a Heaven and Earth's Strange Treasure, emerging on this very night.

It seems to be his predestined fortune, as King Dulong wasn't in the Monster Mansion, and most demon beasts had gone to the Nielong Abyss.

This great fortune fell right onto the head of General Toad.

"Hahaha, if I get this treasure and master the Demonic Law, why would I need to stoop beneath another monster?" General Toad roared in his heart.

He was already a high-level Slaughter Level demon beast. Just a hint of luck could enable him to break through the realm and enter the [Ferocious Level], reaching the level of King Dulong.

By then, he could establish his own group and be on par with King Dulong.

With these thoughts, General Toad leapt out of the river like a madman, following the scent of incense.